I think winter has started with a little kick today, in Ipswich. Weather here is cooler than in Brisbane and with a wide range from minimum to maximum temperatures every day. Supposedly 5 to 22deg C today. But apart from the little chill factor and wind, a gorgeous day as is every day wet or fine.
Yesterday I did my shift at the Lowood Library, very diffferent from the hospital work. Small library and usually quiet and peaceful unlike the tos and fros of a fairly major hospital. But I do enjoy the different environments, the people I meet and those I work with.
Tomorrow I am off to a workshop at the Ipswich Workshops Rail Museum. We are going to learn how to mark and tag museum objects and also how to write labels and provide information to visitors. I must confess I have never been to the Rail Museum even though it has been in existence for a number of years. I was always going to take visitors there but unfortunately never have. Well I will see it for myself tomorrow. It is supposed to be an excellent attraction and has won a lot of tourism awards.
Baking this afternoon again and this time Ginger Crunch has popped perfectly out of the oven (well it tastes okay anyway). Another Edmonds recipe. I do have many (I said many and I mean many - who doesn't have many) cookbooks but often return to my good old Edmonds.
This has been, so far, one of those weeks where I seem to spend more time out than at home which also means my craft work is slow. But next week I should be able to clear the decks (well the projects that I can see anyway - not those hidden in my big plastic containers or in the cupboard).
I have come to believe and use affirmations and really feel that they help me (as long as I remember to use them - make it a good habit). Susan Jeffers is a world renowned inspirational speaker and author and I subsrcribe to her newsletter. Please let me share with you one of her affirmations:
(Deeper Meaning)
I stand tall and take responsibility for my experience of life. I blame no one for how I am feeling today. I can’t control the world out there, but I can control my reactions to it all. I can choose to be the "victim" or I can choose to be the creator of powerful and loving thoughts, despite what is happening in my life. I have the strength to act and react to all situations in a healthy and life-affirming way. As I do, I watch the quality of my life getting better and better.
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