Monday, 23 May 2011

Oh What a Beautiful Morning

It really is a beautiful day today.  After the rain yesterday the sky is brilliant blue, the sun is filtering through the trees, dew drops hanging off the branches and a very slight breeze.

Coconut Dream Slice (another from the Edmonds book) in the oven and I can smell it, steak & kidney in the slow cooker and so time for blogging while I am eating my breakfast.
I think I must have blogged in my sleep last night.  Words tumbling one after the other.  I have so much I want to write and could write all day.  Writing is a love and words are a passion for me.  My first career was as a journalist in New Zealand.  But life has sent me in different directions at different times.
First of all I want so much to say how much I love and appreciate my WH (wonderful husband).  Amongst the many beautiful things he does for me, he always brings me an early morning cuppa in bed at about 5am and makes the breakfasts at the weekend.  There is nothing like sitting on our gorgeous patio eating a beautifully cooked breakfast, reading the papers and chatting whilst at the same time soaking up the serenity of our rural setting. 
I have been thinking about all the women who have influenced me in my life - there are many and I am so grateful for all of the encouragement, support and love I have received from them at different stages.  They are so varied in their outlooks, lifestyle, personalities and characters but I feels so lucky to have known them.  Today I am surrounded (in thought) by my lovely mother, my fabulous little sister, super sisters-in-law, wonderful aunties and cousins, beautiful daughters, step-daughters and daughters-in-law, gorgeous nieces and amazing friends.
Some of these have not yet met any curve balls in life to dodge but many of them have and I truly admire their ability to rise above these adversities and travel along life's path with an understanding and generosity of spirit and love that has encompassed me and those they touch.
And yes, there are many males who have influence me too but I will talk about them another time, except my WH who is the biggest supporter and encourager of what I do and where I am.
What's on the agenda for today - Coconut Dream Slice almost ready, kitchen cleaned, washing to hang out then I will hit my "studio".  I hope to finish off a beautiful Dresden Plate Table Centre & 4 matching placemats today, plus several cushions including two "chook" cushions for my Aunty Shirley.  She loves chooks and Blue Willow china (as does my Mum) and has quite a collection of both.  Like my Mum, she is also very "crafty" and makes beautiful cards and jewellry and also sews.  So it was lovely having her to stay for a couple of days last week and talking craft.
I have discovered The Secret by Rhonda Byrne and have the DVD and CDs (which I play in my car).  I am now reading The Power.  Much of what is in both these books is something I have known for a long time and have tried to follow as much as possible in times of trouble.  The law of attraction and positive thinking have helped me in the last 20 years and although at many times I have been deeply bowed by life's obsacles I have come through the dark tunnels into light at the other end.  I have combined this with creative visualisation and spiritual guidance.  I cannot control anything that anyone else may say or do but I do believe that what we put out into the universe comes back to us and my wish is that everyone I love knows happiness, enjoyment of life and fulfilment of their dreams and ambitions.

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