Sunday, 31 July 2011


I have been thinking for some time about friends in our life - the impact and influence they have and the joy they bring.

At 57 I have obviously met a lot of people during the years.  Some of these became and still are wonderful friends.  The friends I have around me at present are a varied lot with differing backgrounds, experiences and personalities but they all bring to me something very special into my life.

Some friends from the past have moved on leaving mostly good memories but lives and circumstances change.  I have moved from one country to another so many of my friends from early years are no longer around me now.  In fact as I was growing up some of my closest friends were my cousins and although I don't see them often it is alway wonderful to catch up with them at any time.

Two of my wonderful friends live overseas and although they both come to Australia annually it is as if they just live in another town or state.  Email is a wonderful thing and although I am a little slack in keeping in touch very regularly I hope they know I do think about them often.  They are both inspiring women.  My American pal is in her early 60s and travels the world doing triathlons and treks.  She tackled the Kokoda Trail last year and is planning a trek in Nepal later this year.  We met when she came to Australia for a year on a study visa.  Her son is married to an Australian girl so she visits them every year and we catch up for Friday girlie lunchs with other friends and dinners at home.  I always look forward to her being here and as she is a 'crafty' person too we can swap stories of our masterpieces.  My other 'foreign' friend is not really foreign.  I worked with her on a project in QLD Health and then she and her husband followed their dream and moved to the UK - Inverness in Scotland.  I am so envious but so happy for them that they have grasped this opportunity and, as she adds to the bottom of her emails, they are 'living their dream'.  I just love all the pics she posts on Facebook and we have visited them and been shown the delights of their highland home. This friend is not 'crafty' but if she finds any internet sites in relation to my craft she sends them to me and another of her 'crafty' friends.  Both of these wonderful women are warm, intelligent, generous and both have large friendship bases so I feel quite privileged to call them my friends too.

I have a couple of friends that I don't see as often as I would like but I know they both would be there for me if needed and whenever we do catch up it is a non-stop talk fest.  One of these women was also my sister-in-law so we have a family history as well as knowledge of the town we both grew up in.  She and her husband (my ex brother-in-law) live a couple of hours from us and it always gives me a wonderful warm fuzzy feeling when we are with them.  This couple have experienced tragedies beyond most people's comprehension but their love for each other, and the love they attract from others have kept them going.  They have been encompassed by friendships they have made and this sustains them.  My love for them is always there. 

My other friend is a school teacher and we only see her and her husband every few months but we have been lucky to have travelled a couple of times overseas with them and had fabulous times.  Plans are on the drawing board for another trip next year.  This couple celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary yesterday and I felt so honoured that they chose us to spend the day with.   She is funny and outrageous, warm and witty, intelligent and articulate and best of all, in my corner.

Two of my 'bestest' friends are women I have known a long time.  One is like my second mother and although we are somewhat different in outlook I love spending every Friday with her shopping and lunching.  We also share a love of everything British and a common thread of both being ex-Kiwis too.  She is a fabulous cook, wonderful housekeeper and drops everything to go to someone's aid at any time.  My other friend also shares Friday lunches when possible and I have known her when I first began work with QLD Health and was given her job - she was moved to another department.  We became wonderful friends and she has been with me through the ups and downs of marriage breakup, new relationships and family problems.   We have been able to tell each other everything and know just about everything about each other.  She too has known family tragedy but is the 'rock' for her family providing love and sustenance always.

Just lately I have met two other lovely ladies through our volunteer work.  Again both so different in background and outlook but both so delightful and whom I am happy to call a friend.  One has also been bowed down with emotional and health events but keeps on going and giving her time.  Like me she is an 'Anglophile' and a Royalist and I love working with her.  The other is bigger than life in many ways and her heart overflows with generosity in her volunteer work. 

I seemed to have gone on a bit about my fabulous friends but they and the other friends I have had  have all played a part in influencing me in life's path and the decisions I have made.  They all bring something special and I am so happy and grateful that I know or have known my friends. 

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